May 2017 Meeting

MAY 3rd 2017

This month is our Annual meeting where we look back at the year and sort out our committee for the next year.  At the moment we have five nominees which is a bit short of our normal eight members that we need. Hopefully some of you might consider putting yourself forward and nominations will be accepted up to the start of the meeting. Being a committee member is an important role but with us all helping each other it is not an onerous task.

Don't forget to bring along something that you have made or shows your interests because if we have time we can have a "show and tell"and talk to each other to get to know each other a bit better.  We also have one of the Essex advisers coming along and explaining a bit about the resolutions before we vote for our For and Against each one. 
Please come along to the meeting and put your votes to good use!!

There will of course be the usual tea, coffee and cake!

See you there

April 5th Meeting 2017

April 5th 2017 Meeting

Spring is finally here!  Hope you are  enjoying the sunshine while it lasts.
This month we have Brian Carline coming to talk to us about Days of Dolly Blue and Izal?? i remember both of these so that shows my age !!!

Don't forget that we need some nominees for our committee. we have four people standing down so we need you to think about whether you can become a committee member. 

Don't forget to bring your mugs and as usual we welcome donations of cakes and biscuits!!

See you on Wednesday and please try and get there before 7pm so that we can start on time.